Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sexy Tina milky vodka

This one will make you smile. Sexy Tina milky vodka was designed by the russian designer Pavel Gubin.

A few months ago, Bakon Vodka was revealed and now we are presented with “milky vodka” in a breast shaped bottle. Milky because it’s supposed to be some kind of Irish Cream, but the pun is too obvious to be missed.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Enjaka cocktail mix

I believe this is an exceptionally bright idea.  Enjaka Cocktail mix was inspired by the different chemicals, where various elements can be mixed together to create something unique. This allows you to play with your drinks, and to buy different substances to suite your own preferences!
The concept is that you can be your own barman, and to interact with different cocktail combinations.

"The bottles have a circular design with a bottom plug and a top cap so they can be attached to each other and thus motivate you interact and play with them. All ingredients in our formula are divided into 3 types of bottles of different sizes:
Base (400ml) The livelihood of the cocktail, juice and the main flavor of our mix.
Spirit (300ml) The soul of the mixture, the alcoholic beverage of our choosing.
Touch (200ml) The delicate endpoint that provides an authentic and distinguished flavour to the mix." Designed by Tatabi Studio, Dublin, Ireland. 

This could be so much fun!

SKYY Blue Velvet Vodka

And this is finally April! And there's a lot to cover with spirit and liquor packaging on our list. Let's start off with the SKYY Vodka Blue Velvet limited edition bottle.  These guys truly did something ground breaking for packaging design!

This design blends the world of high fashion with spirits, using the baroque themed pattern with a tangible element of soft blue velvet which invites you, the consumer, to touch and feel.

“We incorporated the baroque pattern into the design because over a year ago when we began the process we felt strongly about velvet baroque patterns to connote style and elegance. However, it had never been done before so we had to innovate the technique. Fast forward to launch time for the SKYY holiday bottle, and baroque the biggest trend at all the fashion shows. So while we were planning our bottle, the big fashion houses were thinking the same thing with their clothing lines. Most of the major designers are integrating baroque details into their collections. Adding the velvet texture to the bottle made it sexy, touchable and holiday-appropriate, and fortunately, on-trend.” Says MDG Creative Director Gabrielle Rein.

It would be a great addition to my packaging collection, if only I can find one somewhere, they are so rare!